How to Know When a Guy Will Change for You

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You've been together for some fourth dimension and y'all've known that he has his issues. Nobody's perfect, after all. Merely as time went on, you've been finding his issues more and more hard to bargain with and you start to wonder if he'll ever alter.

In this article, I volition show you 15 alarming signs that he'll never modify, and and then tell you what you can practise about information technology.

1) He shuts down conversations

Permit's say that he drinks a lot and you, worried about his health, decide to bring upwards his drinking problem. He might give y'all a shrug, charge you of being controlling, or ignore you entirely.

Either way, his goal of not talking about his drinking problem is achieved. This behavior is called stonewalling.

Of course, he doesn't necessarily accept to be a drunkard. His bug might lie elsewhere, or it might even be that he has more than than merely i problem under his belt, just if he continuously shuts downwardly the conversation every time then yous have a problem.

What to do:

  • Consider how you're approaching the topic. Are y'all pushing too much on him at in one case? Your tone matters a lot. Instead of saying "I tin't believe I'thousand with an alcoholic!", say something like "Dear, can we talk almost your drinking please?"
  • If the topic is important enough, don't permit his attempts at shutting y'all downward end you from trying to talk nearly it. Keep trying. It'due south a problem that really needs to exist solved.

 ii) He says "Accept me as I am or leave"

In his mind, he'south a good enough partner and y'all're the ane who has impossible standards of what a relationship should be like.

Or he might acknowledge that there's something wrong with him but he merely can't exist bothered to deal with it considering to him, if y'all love him, you should have him for who he is 100%.

"Take it or leave it", he volition always say.

As far as he'southward concerned, if someone has to change, it'due south going to exist you lot.

If that sounds like arrogance, that's because information technology is.

If you have issues with how he only plays video games all day while you're paying the bills, or that he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day when he said he would quit, or only most any real issue you accept with him, he will employ the "love me unconditionally" menu.

It volition make y'all feel guilty because nosotros've been taught to love unconditionally.

What to practise:

  • Don't get fooled. Romantic relationships are conditional. He is not your child. He has an obligation to make sure that you lot're both happy in your relationship.
  • Don't feel guilty for wanting your needs met.

three) He's ready in his ways

Tell him that he raises his vocalism too much over the smallest things, and he'd throw it dorsum and say that it's just how he is. He might be angry every bit he says those words, or he might snark at yous like there'due south no tomorrow, merely information technology's clear that he simply doesn't see it as an issue and therefore, isn't willing to change.

Sadly, in that location's very petty you can actually do to change someone who refuses to acknowledge an outcome. And the older he is, the less probable he is going to change his ways.

What to practice:

  • Remind yourself that only because that's just "how he is" doesn't hateful you'll accept to allow it slide.
  • If it'southward something that truly matters—like him beingness abusive, or openly flirting with other girls—so decide if it'south a dealbreaker for y'all and not, and tell him. Be very firm. If he yet does them despite your warning, you know what to do.

iv) He plays the blame game

Endeavour to point his problems out, and he'll point his finger at someone else and either say that they're the reason for his issues, or they're doing something just as bad then he'south okay. Sometimes, that 'someone' might be you lot.

Yous'd hear him say things like "Aye I know I have issues spending money, only before you lecture me on that, await at yourself! You lot spent twice every bit much coin every bit I did taking your friends to Hawaii!"

Or he might say something similar "I tin't help only yell at you lot. Why the hell won't I yell at yous when you lot're obviously non doing things right?"

What to exercise:

  • If he says something forth the lines of "you accept your problems as well!", then have the time to remind both of yous that the fact that you accept your own issues doesn't justify him indulging in his own.
  • Instead, work on a compromise. Talk almost the issues both of you have well-nigh the other, and and then work on them. He does something about his problems, and you practice something about yours. Hold his easily while you take this talk.
  • If he's putting the blame on you lot, tell him that he'due south doing only that and remind yourself (and him) that you're not responsible for the things he consciously made the determination to exercise.

5) He's always a victim of circumstance

One damning sign that he'll never alter is that every time you lot printing him about something that he'southward said or done, he'll always have an excuse on mitt. Somehow, magically, things are never his mistake and he'due south more than than willing to throw people under the bus just to excuse himself.

Was he late for the wedding? Oh, the bus he was on was too deadening and got stuck in traffic. Did he get caught kissing another woman for the third time this month? Bah, those women were the ones to endeavour kissing him—he tried to tell them no!

He might fifty-fifty arraign all his flaws on his childhood.

We all make mistakes, and excuses can be valid. But if he has an alibi for every single thing, he's either someone who thinks he can never practice wrong or someone who just doesn't want to accept responsibility. And those kinds of people never learn.

What to do:

  • You should set up boundaries and be more than secure of yourself, Otherwise, he'll ruin your self-confidence, your ability to approximate grapheme, and brand you distrust yourself.
  • There's very little you tin exercise about someone who stubbornly and consistently refuses to acknowledge error. Therapy might help just if he believes he has no flaws, it volition be challenging to convince him to go.
  • This is the hardest ane to set up. Communicate to him what you need and expect for him to make some changes. Exist careful not to look too long, though. You lot don't want to waste any more of your precious time.

6) He keeps moving the goalposts and pushing your boundaries

Corner him in an argument, and he tries to brand the topic about something else entirely. He might even have you arguing in circles and make you contradict yourself so that he can shut you up with 1 big "gotcha!" moment.

There's just no winning with him! Worse, you'll figure that out only after having argued with him for hours… even days!

One moment he'd be saying that you're not doing enough for him and that's why he'southward ever out drinking, and and then when you evidence that you've done as much as you could for him with what fourth dimension you have free, he'd exist saying that you're not doing enough to costless your schedule for his sake.

And then he'd actually endeavor to brand sure he gets what he wants by force. He might start showing upwards at your workplace, or insert himself into outings betwixt y'all and your friends.

What to practise:

  • Don't play his game. Remind yourself exactly what your discussion is about, and bring it back to that when yous feel that he's making your talk drift off of it.
  • Remind him again and again about your boundaries and let him know that he is never ever allowed to button them. Make sure you let him know the consequences if he ever does.

7) He lashes out and gets defensive

A sign that he'southward never going to change is that when you point his errors out, he'll get absolutely mad at yous. This can be considering he simply can't encompass that he's at fault, but on the other hand he can likewise acknowledge that he has issues and become mad when information technology's pointed out.

He'd shout at you. He'd pout, grit his teeth, and say "I know, I know, shut upwardly already."

This tin sometimes happen if he's particularly aware of his issues but doesn't know how to deal with information technology. Information technology can also happen if you printing him nearly information technology while he's still heated, like telling him that he basically sent all your savings upwardly in flames after he accidentally dumped your wallet into the fireplace.

It's oft a defensive reaction borne from a sense of helplessness or a severely hobbling ego. Maybe he has tried to be better before and failed catastrophically.

What to practice:

  • You would exist all-time served past going to a therapist. You might be touching on something that's painful for him to face, and has been avoiding for the longest fourth dimension.
  • Avoid letting his anger get to you lot. Stay calm, let him cool off, and then try approaching the topic again when he's more level-headed.

8) His apologies don't experience sincere

When he says sorry, it feels like he's saying it merely to make you happy. It's similar he's just rolling his eyes, shrugging, and going "yes, yeah, I'm sorry… happy now?!"

Or, he might sound incredibly convincing with the mode he says sorry. Yous might think that information technology's a 18-carat, heartfelt apology… but he doesn't actually do anything to justify the apology.

To illustrate this, let's say he broke the neighbor's window while he was absolutely hammered, and the moment he got sober he's out apologizing, saying that he was merely drunkard. He got boozer again the very next twenty-four hours, and was throwing stones at windows once more than.

Both of these indicate that he lacks the desire or motivation to ameliorate… and that the relationship lacks integrity.

What to do:

  • Ask for action, not words. He has to really prove himself at this bespeak.
  • Take annotation of the times he commits the same mistakes and lay it out to him in a very calm manner. Make him realize his patterns.

9) Deep down you know he doesn't care about how you feel

He has shown over and again that he doesn't care well-nigh how you feel. He doesn't intendance if the things he'due south doing is hurting you, and he doesn't bother doing anything special to cheer you up if you're sad.

You can cry in forepart of him, and it's nearly like he's a stone from how he refuses to exist moved at all by your emotions.

You're never going to see him modify for your sake if he doesn't even care about how yous experience.

What to do:

  • If you've felt this way for some time now, you should tell him about it and if nothing changes, it's probably fourth dimension to move on.
  • Don't accept this as a challenge! Don't make information technology your life goal to let this man fall in love with you.
  • Ask yourself why you're staying with this man when you experience that he doesn't care about you. Y'all may have issues you lot need to resolve for you to take a salubrious human relationship.

10) He'south but interested in himself

When he talks, you would notice just how often he uses the words "I", "me," and "mine." In that location's very little in the way of "y'all" or "u.s.a." in the things he says.

When he wants to talk, it's always most the things he likes, or the things he wants to do, or the things you tin can practise for him. In other words, he's self-captivated.

And people like these never change unless it suits them, or unless something forces them to. And, if they're ever forced to change, they'll spend every waking moment fighting back.

What to do:

  • Relationships are a two-fashion street. A one-sided relationship won't e'er lead to anything skillful. You lot won't always be his girlfriend or wife—you'll be his prize, his fan.
  • You should bespeak it out and tell him about it. Guess how he reacts.
  • Talk to a therapist or counsellor over it, though information technology's incredibly probable that yous'll accept to break up with him in the end anyways.

11) He's dismissive unless it affects him

Compassionate people often care almost others at their own expense. They'd sacrifice their comforts and reputation merely to help other people live ameliorate lives. And he'due south the very opposite of that!

He couldn't care less about what happens to others unless it actually affects him.

He might fifty-fifty exist one of those people mocking or slandering those people who care about others, especially if he has something to lose.

Merely of class, if something affects him, he's going to raise his vocalisation in outrage and demand that you lot take his side. He has double standards.

What to do:

  • Explicate how your dismissiveness is making you experience, and attempt to enquire him how he'd feel if you were doing things that made him feel the aforementioned style.
  • Ask if he's listening to what you're saying.
  • Try to ask if he has whatsoever suggestions, if there'southward anything he's willing to exercise for your sake.

12) He doesn't honour his promises

Be careful of a man who doesn't honor his promises. He volition lead you for a long time.

He'd promise to drive yous to your all-time friend's wedding, but instead, he sleeps all day and you end up having to hail a taxi just to become to the venue in fourth dimension. He'd hope to buy you a gift on your next birthday, but 2 years passed and still nada.

And information technology's not just once or twice that he fails to live upwardly to promises he's fabricated. But about every promise that has left his lips has left unfulfilled and information technology's a special occasion if he ever manages to alive up to fifty-fifty a single i.

What to do:

  • He's proven that he tin't exist trusted. Break upward with him if yous can't tolerate this beliefs.
  • Think: If he can't be trusted with small promises, how tin yous trust him with big ones like children and money?

13) He says that it'due south not that serious (and you need to chill out)

You call him out on something, and he retorts past saying that it's honestly non that big of a deal. That you should just chill out and allow him be. Archetype gaslighting.

Yes, sometimes there is a need for people to only arctic out. Nonetheless, you should be conscientious if he pulls this trick a bit also frequently.

If it ever feels like he's using "chill out!" as a manner to get his way, you lot need to call him out on it. The fact remains that, to y'all, it IS serious and if he truly cares, he'll at to the lowest degree go through the effort to try to see information technology from your point of view and try to compromise.

What to practice:

  • Put some altitude between you and him, cool down, and then think about whether information technology really is that serious, or if it isn't.
  • Effort to figure out if he's gaslighting you. Yous might need a tertiary party to assess your situation, preferably someone neutral like a therapist or people who don't know either of you lot. Describe the situation every bit accurately as you lot can, while hiding the identities of the people involved.

xiv) He doubles down when you phone call him out

An specially alarming sign is if he doubles downwards on whatsoever information technology is yous're calling out. If you tell him that he has an issue with how much alcohol he drinks, he'll buy twice as much alcohol equally usual out of spite. If you tell him yous think he's too nosy with your business, then he snoops around your things twice as much.

The reason why this is peculiarly alarming is that not just is he showing that he doesn't think his problem is an issue in the first place, he's as well being actively spiteful and trying to hurt you for daring to call him out on it.

At that place'south friendly teasing, and then there's actively destructive atmosphere tantrums.

He'south basically challenging you lot and telling you "You can't guild me effectually!"

What to do:

  • Tell him that you don't like what he's doing. Avoid stooping down to his level and beingness kittenish yourself. That just makes things worse, and validates his actions.

xv) The psychologist said so

Psychologists can seem almost like wizards, sometimes. They tin help him figure out the reasons behind his problems, and how he tin deal with them. Sometimes, however, even they volition have to throw the towel in and tell you that you just can't 'set' his issue, or that it'll be shut to impossible.

He might take been severely traumatized equally a child, or he might not exist neurotypical. These two are things that will brand it close to impossible to change him, and there are more. And unless the psychologist says then, you probably shouldn't, else you'll end up scarring him even more.

What to practise:

  • Communicate with a psychologist over how you tin can better sympathize and tolerate his issues.
  • Figure out how to handle whatever issues his traumas or neurodivergence might bring, preferably while consulting a psychologist.
  • Be understanding towards him. If it's out of his hands, then there's very lilliputian he can do virtually information technology.
  • Don't ever employ his traumas or neurodivergence as a weapon to make sure you go your mode with him.


It's difficult to deal with someone who refuses to, or is only incapable of change.

When all is said and washed, however, it'due south worth keeping in mind that all relationships are a game of compromise. In a state of affairs such every bit this, it's a compromise between how much of his habits you lot are willing to tolerate, and how willing he is to alter for your sake.

Sometimes, you will have to cut your losses and end the friendship, relationship, or marriage. At other times, it's worth it to continue things going despite your differences.

Whether it's ane or the other is up to you to decide.

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How to Know When a Guy Will Change for You


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