Baby Girl Names That Start With the Letter F

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Welcome to /lg/!
Main Rules:
1. Do not upload or request CP or minors in sexual poses
2. No child nudity
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4. No spamming or excessive trolling
5. Admire the little girls

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Comments, questions, and concerns go in this thread.

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Lol no, ya dumbass


/youngIove has a lit thread, but it's dead over there and I like it better here anyway, so… lit thread?

This is the chart that goes around, and I'm not sure if I 100% support it because I think it is reaching. For example, I've already read and loved 100 Years of Solitude, but never considered it a pedo book, so I'm always surprised to see it mentioned. But I suppose it is because of one character–"the beauty" – who's fifteen and who someone espies taking a bath. Or, there is a segment where one of the characters cavorts with his aunt growing up. But they never really dominate the theme and I think it would be uninteresting to someone looking for a "pedo" book. I suspect a lot of the books on this list are like that.

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What the fuck, I thought i told it not to use an encryption key. Hold on.



Thank you. I have just finished the first chapter. The dialogue sometimes is a bit confusing and there seems to be quite the emphasis on 'doing things' though, not sure if I like that. I hope it's not all this book is about.


Random video cuties.

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does she ever dance without her panties?



I don't know. Those clips are all I have.


all gifs are welcome

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it's actually how he says it is, but go onion



it's actually how he says it is, but go onion



yes, it is relevant, don't think is legal


I wonder if the little girls who want to write DVDs BDSM, where they dominate over men…

Also I wonder how much in life for these little girls who want to dominate the relationship…


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


LauraB Thread

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sorry, I misread your post when I wrote >>12016.
you meant the source of the clip at end of Promotion27 is rare



Should we advertise for more comrades?

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What's to compare?
BWP said from the start that is not a continuation of Libre as most of people wanted but a CC2.0, He also said the moderation would me extreme.

No, a /waifust/-type site is NOT comparable with a Libre-type of site. The content, rules, user's behaviour and everything.
Different sites, I don't understand why this is so hard to understand for you.


So >>12081 says:
>It's the closest to 8ch/hebe since Librechan closed.
>Girltime is basically just the tripfag circlejerkers from the 8ch daily pedo threads and absurdly strict.
Meaning: /lg/ is the closest in usability to 8ch/hebe since Librechan went under, compared with Girltime which is strict as all hell and does not allow half the stuff posted here.
Then >>12150 replies:
>Not really. It's more just old cunnychan users in a power trip being allowed to run amok after becoming staff.
Meaning: no, /lg/ is totally the same (as Girltime) because [insert belief in powertripping moderators] still exist here. So, it is okay to compare both /lg/ and Girltime as long as it fits your logic.

So now, >>12571 vomits back:
>What's to compare?
>No, a /waifust/-type site is NOT comparable with a Libre-type of site
……moving the goalposts.

>I don't understand why this is so hard to understand for you.

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>What's to compare?
Literally everything that you mentioned in your own post.
What do you think the word "compare" means?

>Meaning: no, /lg/ is totally the same (as Girltime) because [insert belief in powertripping moderators] still exist here.
The "Not really" and what it followed were in reference to "Girltime is basically just the tripfag circlejerkers from the 8ch daily pedo threads" not to the closeness of /lg/ and Librechan.


Trips opens.

Viewer discretion is advised.

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Well ain't that some ish. Hard life for a pedo.


czech zem


Very little girls 1-3 years old.

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Way too young, tbh


FANX for ur opinion

no ((You)) 4U


If you ever lurked on librechan before it came down, you might have come across a Bigo Live thread. It is another generic webcam app but the difference is you can find actual lolis streaming you can communicate with them. Yes, there are lots of women, guys (fuck that im not gay) and teenagers streaming at any time.

How to make a bigo account the proper way

Some anons did actually used their real info to sign up and that was really stupid of you exposing yourself to the internet and your own fault of thinking with your cock. First you need to make a throwaway email account, never use your real email. Second, use your throwaway email to sign up for twitter (if you are inside the US, use a vpn to get out of the US to avoid getting twitter to use your phone number). Third, go to the bigo live app and sign up using twitter. Enter the prompted information and there you go! Make a name of yourself, upload pics and if you do want do whatever the fuck you want. Now for the fun instructions

Getting a loli to like you and follow you (and come back to FOLLOW YOU AGAIN HERSELF if she was banned before!)

They are all over the world. Pick your favorite loli origin and go find her! Yes, you do need to browse garbage upon garbage and in no time, you found her! And now watching her broadcast. Please, don't autisticly jizz and cum too early, you are talking to a real living loli. Be gentle with her, introduce yourself. If she is from a language you don't know, use google translate or learn the fucking language! As you talk to her, you will know if she is worth your time or not. You can make her do things, talk about yourself, and make her laugh even. It should not take more than half an hour to get though that process. If she likes you enough, she might follow you and become friends! This can take form 10 seconds to 1 month max, depending how hard to play she is or how much you like her.

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you are welcome anon. i want it to be as complete as possible and instead of /lg/ anons daydreaming all day they wish they had a lgf, there you go one way to meet them no shit! they are on the internet. I'm going to sleep now.


If I already have Periscope is there any good reason for me to also use this service?


mainly for more options to look for your lgf ;_; and I feel there are a lot more to browse though so there is a good chance you will encounter one with a quiet chat. The ones that are popular (over 500+ views) have a high probability that there will be annoying comments, and a high probability of mods banning her but also since she is zoned in to the comments, there is a slight chance she will show her privates and call it a "win" and immediately gets banned. I see a "win" about every 2 weeks, meaning she striped.
>here are some screenshots form a typical bigo girl


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Please, I feel nauseous just looking at her. It's the face of nightmares. Delete the thread, ban the images and all others of her. Do it for the love of all that is holy.



Hah, I'm glad I'm not the only one


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BUTT try to folloh dem rules kay

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The prettiest faces <3

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my friend


To change the topic away from just posting pictures of hot little girls, I wanted to share an idea I had for doing a little real life pedo activism. The idea is risky, no doubt, and maybe is not a good idea in police-societies such as USA or UK, but it's an interesting idea.

My idea is to make DVDs with softcore and HOT child porn with little girls (in the age range of 9-13, nothing too young or old) and leave them in public places so that curious people can take them and see them in their houses and hopefully, become pedos as well.

The idea is that if we show a straight, hot blooded heterosexual men some hot softcore porn with beautiful little girls, he will probably become a pedo, we just need to show it. The DVD should only contain softcore videos/pictures of high quality, little girls naked, playing with themselves, showing their beautiful body.. There should be no abuse, no hardcore and no young children because that might scare/disgust them. It's better to introduce them by something more like their current attraction of grown ups.

DVDs with child porn can be burned safely, it's not hard to burn a DVD with no traces. Then the CD should contain a sticker or note indicating that it should be watched and that is not trash.

The difficult/dangerous part is of course, actually leaving the DVDs in public places. Some countries are extremely vigilant of their population and it might be hard to leave an object in a public setting with no one looking at you. Then again, it is possible. You just have to have the balls to do it.

Just be smart. Don't buy or leave the DVD's close to your hometown or where people might notice you. Perform the operations far away from your house. Make it impossible to trace the DVD back to you. If you do it right, there are 0% chances a random disc can be linked to a single person.

And we could convert hundreds to the loving of little girls.

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Lolidom is playful though. We can take turns bossing each other around.


Seems like a bad idea TBH. Too many points of failure. There are too many cameras in public anyways, many of them might be in places you might not expect.

Probably will never find a target audience doing this anyways. Most likely curious kids will pick them up, nosy old hags will take them home or the DVDs will get trashed. But if you want to cause drama and get on the news then this will probably do it.

BTW, printing on paper leaves micro dots that can be traced.



Casting a wide net here Bro's,so hopefully somebody knows what i am talking about.
Now the vid i'm talking about was on youtube a few years ago,and involved a group of about 8-9 girls dancing on stage in jeans and little cropped t-shirts,and they were about 8-12yo i would guess.
Its name was Blue "something",or maybe "something" Blue.(Crazy i know,but for some reason i remember the BLUE aspect of the name.
There was quite an outrage about it at the time.
Pic semi related…same kinda style.
Hope you can help guys.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You sir are a Legend!
Thank you so much for reuniting me with a favorite.


Oh man i would give my soul for a HD version of this!!



Today, July 7th, Kristina Pakarina reaches a new year of life.
She has now 10 beautiful years, in this day I am extremely pleased to see how She is growing healthy and happy. The time is passing and She will soon be a strong female with a own life.
A special date, a day of joy and extreme happiness, but also a day of sadness, loneliness and reflection.

But any ways, today is a CELEBRATION day!

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Nice to see someone saved my webm
Like yeah, people are saving pakarina pics, feels good.

She deserves more appreciation and admiration.


Happy birthday Kristina Pakarina.


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Baby Girl Names That Start With the Letter F


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