Assassin's Creed Black Flag Sequence 2 Memory 3

02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 AC IV: Black Flag Guide

The eagle vision - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

The eagle vision

You need to follow a couple of guardsmen without raising any suspicion on their part. First of all, initiate the eagle vision and keep the camera panned onto the two. When there will appear yellow symbols above their heads, you will be able to see them also through walls. Follow them.

Blend in with the crowd - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Blend in with the crowd

Walks slowly after the guards and walk among the people groups to blend in. Note that your character becomes grayed out then, which means that you are indiscernible for the guards, even if they are looking directly at you.

The guards will enter a closed area - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

The guards will enter a closed area

At some point, they will enter a closed house. You need to climb onto the rooftop and continue there. You will also find another guard on the roof. Run into him and attack him by surprise to knock him down with one blow.

Jump over onto another building - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Jump over onto another building

A bit ahead, the situation will be similar and the two guardsmen will enter a guarded area again. Jump over onto the roof of that building. Also here, you will find a guard, which you will have to deal with, should the necessity arise.

The targets will start to run - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

The targets will start to run

From now on, the guards will enter no guarded area anymore so, you can simply return to the street level to make it easier for you to follow them. They will be speeding up and slowing down on a regular basis so, you need to keep that in mind. Just like at the beginning, whenever necessary, stop by groups of people in the street to disappear from their sight.

While with the dancers, you will be permanently undetectable - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

While with the dancers, you will be permanently undetectable

OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE- hire the dancers to divert attention.

Once they reach their destination, you will have to eavesdrop on their conversation. Around, you will find a group of dancers. Hire them (150R) to follow them undetected and complete the bonus task at the same time.

Follow the Captain - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Follow the Captain

After the execution, the target that you need to follow will change. Follow him while still taking advantage of the girls' help.

As it will soon turn out, the captain will enter another guarded building - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

As it will soon turn out, the captain will enter another guarded building. Ignore this, however and stop next to a nearby cart with hay shown in the above screenshot.

Steal the key - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Steal the key

After several moments, the Captain will leave the building and will pass by the cart at which you are hiding. Use the cover provided by the dancers to rob him without any problems. Remember that you need to hold down the button until the circle fills up.

Sneak to the Fort

OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE- avoid getting into fight - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE- avoid getting into fight

You now need to steal into the fort and the best way to pull it off is by sneaking, to be able to perform the bonus objective. Climb onto the building where the Captain with the key hid a moment earlier. From here, jump onto the tree shown in the screenshot, and then onto the fort wall, over which you need to climb up. On the roof, there is a guard so, you need to make sure that you are not spotted by accident. If you are near him, you can sneak kill him but, if he is at the other side of the building, you can ignore him and jump onto the tree.

Once on the fort, hide behind the wall ahead of you - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Once on the fort, hide behind the wall ahead of you. There will be quite a lot of guards on the right but, you will be too far for them to spot you so, you do not need to worry. Ahead of you, however, as you can see in the screenshot, there are three soldiers which you need to deal with to be allowed to go ahead.

The first guard falls into the trap - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

The first guard falls into the trap

While patrolling, the first guard is walking near the wall that you are hiding behind. Wait for him there and, once he is near you, whistle to attract his attention, and kill him silently once he approaches you.

The second guard is patrolling between the left and the right side of the wall - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

The second guard is patrolling between the left and the right side of the wall. As soon as he turns to go right, just like in the screenshot, run behind him immediately and finish him off while running. If you push him down, you will attract attention of the guards patrolling below but, you do not need to worry because they will not come checking anyways.

The last guard here - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

The last guard here

Hide behind the boxes and whistle to attract the last guard's attention and eliminate him right after he comes close.

Right before your destination, there are four more guards - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Right before your destination, there are four more guards. The problem is, however, only the marked one , is a threat because he is patrolling the nearby area. The other two will be staying put and staring into the void and, if you do not provoke them, they will not turn back so you can easily ignore them. Keep watching the patrolling guard and, once he walks away, dash ahead where you will find a heap of leaves, where you will be able to hide.

Kill the patrolling soldier - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Kill the patrolling soldier

While hidden in the heap of leaves, wait for the guard to start returning and murder him as he is passing you by. NOTE - over the rooftop which you need to gain access to, there is patrolling another guard, armed with a musket. Before you perform the assassination out from the leaves, look onto the rooftop and make sure that he does not see you because, otherwise, you will be spotted and fail to complete the optional objective .

Observe the soldier on the rooftop - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Observe the soldier on the rooftop

After you kill the guard, turn your attention to the one on the rooftop again. Once he turns and walks away, dash towards the door. After you enter, you will watch a short cutscene.

Escape in the water - 02 - ...And My Sugar? | Sequence 2 - Sequence 2 - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough

Escape in the water

After the cutscene, walk onto the wall on the right and jump into water. Swim up to Bonnet's ship to complete this mission.

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Sequence 2 Memory 3


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